Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the tabs below if you are unsure of anything. If your question is not answered here, please give us a call!

We may have an answer to your question here.
Following the new system that came into force from June 2013, there is still some confusion about this and some agencies and LA’s are not proactive in making sure teachers achieve the 30 day deadline for registering on-line. If you miss the 30 days (these are consecutive days) then your DBS is only valid for the organisation that requested it! This defeats the new system completely and means that you would have to pay for another DBS in order to register it on-line. If you have any questions please feel free to call us and we will guide you through the new process.
Multiple agencies
Terms of engagement
Pay rates
Third party payroll/Umbrella companies
Teachers Pension
AWR Rules
12 weeks: the finer details
Your working week will start from the first day of supply so if it is a Wednesday your working week will be Wednesday to Tuesday.
The same school also means the same trust if you are working in academies and free schools.
If you have a substantive change to your role i.e. you go from ad hoc supply to a long-term or vice versa or you were teaching a full class of students but then work with a small of group of students on a 1:1 basis your AWR clock will reset to 0.
Depending on the day your AWR clock starts sometimes this will incorporate some of the school holidays towards the 12 week qualifying period.
Comparative pay does not necessarily mean you will be paid to scale, the rate of pay will depend on the schools pay policy.
Please be aware that some agencies will issue you a different contract that takes you out of scope for the AWR which technically isn’t supposed to be able to happen however, until court cases confirm this point it is not against the legislation.
Equal Opportunity Policy
Click here to view our Equal Opportunity Policy
Customer Service Policy
Click here to view our Customer Service Policy